Preparing for Your Appointment

We are thrilled you’re considering taking your confidence to the next level by using permanent makeup to highlight your already natural beauty. Please read our Care Instructions thoroughly before your first appointment with us. The more you know and care for your procedure, the longer it will last and appear as you envisioned.

Preparing For Your Procedure

Preparing for Your Nano Brow Procedure

Preparing for Your Nano Brow Procedure

Before Your Appointment

  • Do not take Advil, Aspirin or other over-the-counter pain relievers for three days before your appointment time. Tylenol is ok
  • Do not drink alcohol 24 hours prior to your appointment time
  • Your menstrual cycle may cause your sensitivity to be heightened during the treatment.
  • You may complete the following services prior to your tattoo appointment: 
    - Eyebrow waxing up to two days prior
    - Brow tint up to one week prior 
  • Avoid Botox, fillers, AHA products, and retinoids for 3-4 weeks prior to your appointment. 
  • Do not have advanced skin resurfacing treatments such as laser, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, microneedling, etc., performed six weeks prior to your appointment
  • Understand that tanning beds, the sun and pools can affect pigmentation retention and skin integrity during the service and post-procedure. Avoid sun exposure for four weeks before and after your appointment  
  • Latisse and other brow growth serums may interfere with the permanent makeup pigment or guest sensitivity. Please do not use these products for two weeks prior to your procedure

It is important to discuss all medications and over-the-counter treatments you are currently taking or have recently taken prior to your appointment to prevent services being performed that are not advised for your conditions.

Day of Your Appointment

  • Eat a light snack 30-40 minutes prior to your appointment 
  • Wear comfortable clothing as you will be sitting and laying down for an extended amount of time
  • Although strenuous exercise is not recommended for seven days post-procedure, you are welcome to workout the morning prior to your appointment

Preparing for Your Lip Blush Procedure

Preparing for Your Lip Blush Procedure

Before Your Appointment

  • Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate! For the BEST results, your lips should be incredibly hydrated. Drink PLENTY of water for days leading up to your appointment.
  • Exfoliate! Exfoliate the lips for 7 DAYS prior to your lip appointment using a gentle lip scrub. If you have chapped or scabbed lips on the day of your service, we will need to reschedule you.
  • Do not take Advil, Aspirin or other over the counter pain relievers for three days before your appointment time. Tylenol is ok
  • Do not drink alcohol 24 hours prior to your appointment time
  • Your menstrual cycle may cause your sensitivity to be heightened during the treatment
  • Avoid Botox, AHA products, and retinoids for 3-4 weeks prior to your appointment
  • Lip fillers should be done at least four weeks prior to your appointment to allot for adequate healing time, or four weeks after your lip tattoo procedure  
  • Do not tweeze or wax around your lip area for up to two days prior and avoid electrolysis on or around your lip area for up to two weeks prior 
  • Do not have advanced skin resurfacing treatments such as laser, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, microneedling, etc., performed for six weeks prior to your appointment
  • Understand that tanning beds, the sun and pools can affect pigmentation retention and skin integrity during and after the procedure. Avoid sun exposure for four weeks before and after your appointment  
  • The use of oral Arnica tablets is recommended to help reduce swelling. You can purchase these products directly through us, Amazon, or your local grocery store. Take the recommended dosage three times daily for six days. It is recommended to begin the day before your treatment
  • Guests prone to cold sores or fever blisters should take an antiviral medication such as Valtrex prior to the procedure. For prescribed Anti-Viral Medication, please consult with your physician on recommended dosage.

Day of Your Appointment

  • Eat a light snack 30-40 minutes prior to your appointment 
  • Wear comfortable clothing as you will be sitting and laying down for an extended amount of time 
  • Avoid strenuous exercise and caffeine as this may increase your sensitivity during the procedure
  • Take the recommended dosage of Arnica prior to your appointment
  • Drink PLENTY of water
  • Exfoliate the lip area using a gentle lip scrub the morning of your appointment. Immediately hydrate with moisturizing lip balm.

Preparing for Your Henna Brow Procedure

Preparing for Your Henna Brow Procedure

Please avoid the Henna Brow procedure if you have any of these conditions:

  • Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency (G6PDD) or Favism. G6PDD is a human enzyme condition that can be triggered by fava beans (broad beans) and naphthalene (the main ingredient in mothballs)
  • Topical Dermatitis or Eczema 
  • Dry or patchy skin in the area.
  • Chemotherapy. Your physician’s approval is required prior to procedure  
  • Any contagious eye diseases such as Conjunctivitis
  • Allergies to eyelash tints, hair dyes or black henna

Before Your Appointment

  • Although Henna is a plant-based product, allergic responses may still occur. It is recommended to do a patch test 48 hours prior to your appointment
  • Please exfoliate and moisturize the skin under and around your brows for a couple of days prior to and immediately before your appointment. It is important for this area to be clean and free of makeup for best results. This is very important as the henna will not stain properly or sometimes not at all if these steps are not followed 
  • Avoid waterproof brow makeup for two days prior as this will not allow a stain to occur 
  • Avoid sun-tanning or sunless tanning products for 2-3 weeks prior to your appointment
  • Please wait 48 hours post Brow Lamination before your Henna Treatment.

Preparing for Your Brow Lamination Procedure

Preparing for Your Brow Lamination Procedure

Please avoid the Brow Lift procedure if you have any of these conditions:

  • Psoriasis or eczema
  • Recent eye surgery
  • Alopecia
  • Chemotherapy 
  • Allergy to hair perm or dye
  • Permanent makeup (must be healed in six weeks)
  • Sunburn
  • Ultra-sensitive skin
  • Blood thinners
  • Pink Eye infection
  • Scar tissue in the treatment area
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding
  • If using brown growth serum

Before Your Appointment

  • Do not apply Retin A, AHA, or exfoliate the brow area for 72 hours before or after the treatment
  • Brow hairs must be free of any hair dyes, brow tints or henna for four weeks prior to your appointment as this will result in overprocessing and/or a chemical reaction 
  • All permanent makeup in the brow area must be done six weeks prior to your lamination
  • Avoid using brow growth serums for 1 week prior to your lamination
  • Do not use self-tanner products on the face for at least 48 hours before and after treatment

Preparing for Your Lash Lift Procedure

Preparing for Your Lash Lift Procedure

Please avoid the Lash Lift procedure if you have any of these conditions:

  • Recent eye surgery
  • Alopecia
  • Chemotherapy 
  • Allergy to hair perm or dye
  • Permanent makeup (must be healed in six weeks)
  • Sunburn
  • Ultra-sensitive skin
  • Chronic Dry Eye
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Eye infection or Stye
  • Trichotillomania
  • Scar tissue in the treatment area
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Extremely short eyelashes
  • Damaged eyelashes from lash extensions or lashes with large gaps
  • Lash Extensions

Before Your Appointment

  • You must prepare your eye area prior to your arrival. Eyelashes should be clean, dry, and free of mascara, makeup, and oil residue for 24 HOURS PRIOR. If you attend your appointment without proper preparation, Her Velvet Hand cannot guarantee lasting or satisfactory results. Please let us know if you have any mascara or residue on your lashes.
  • If you wear contact lenses, please bring Contact Solution and a lens case to remove your contacts prior to your service.
  • Lashes must be free of any hair dyes or tints for four weeks prior to your appointment as this will result in over-processing and/or a chemical reaction. 
  • Avoid using lash growth serums for 1 week prior to your lamination

Essential Aftercare


Nano Brow

The results and longevity of your new tattoo will depend greatly on your lifestyle, sun exposure and how you take care of your skin during the healing process and beyond. Each client’s skin responds differently, both in the length of time it takes to heal, and the number of sessions required to achieve your desired results and colour retention. This information acts as a guideline only; we cannot guarantee your results.

What to Expect 

With all of our cosmetic tattoo work at Her Velvet Hand, the most important thing to remember is this is a two-step (sometimes more) process. Please do not expect perfection after the first session. We are building long-term results. 

Immediately following the procedure, you may experience minimal discomfort on the treated area. Many clients describe a similar sensation as a sunburn or a bruise, with redness and swelling. Symptoms will subside within 24 to 48 hours. To help reduce discomfort post-procedure, an Advil or Ibuprofen may be taken. 

During the first week, the tattooed area will have an intense appearance. It will appear darker and bolder in color, and more solid. The hairstrokes may appear lighter immediately post-procedure. This is normal. This is due to the tattoo forming micro-scabs on the surface area of your epidermis which can appear very sharp. Your results will have a much softer effect once healed. 

Minimal scabbing or flaking of the skin is normal throughout the first few weeks of the healing period. To avoid loss of pigmentation, do not itch or remove scabs. They will naturally fall off on their own. Prematurely removing your scabs will result in uneven retention and possible scarring. 

Please note that during the scabbing and flaking period, your brows will begin to look very uneven. Some areas of the tattoo will look lighter than others. This is normal during the healing process. 

Adjustments and touch-ups can be made only after the healing period is complete.

During the healing process, please avoid:

  • Direct water on the tattoo for seven days. You will be given facial sponges to assist in cleansing the skin around the tattooed area and a facial visor to wear in the shower to avoid dampening the brows  
  • Vaseline, Neosporin and any other petroleum based products
  • Soaps and heavy creams
  • Activities that will cause sweating for seven days
  • Swimming pools, hot tubs or other bodies of water for 14 days
  • Exposure to the sun and tanning beds can cause fading and discoloration of the pigment. Once completely healed, always apply sunscreen (30 SPF or greater) on the treated area
  • Laser light therapy, as it can darken, lighten or distort the pigment
  • Exfoliation products, retinol acids or AHA’s on the area for 30 days after the appointment to avoid premature fading
  • Massages, facials or intensive skin treatments such as microneedling or microdermabrasion for four weeks

Caring for your New Tattoo

Most clients require at least two sessions for ideal results. The first session is to build shape and gain balance. This is also an opportunity for the artist to have an appropriate understanding of your skin. The second session is to perfect the brows and add density. 

Day 1

  • We will provide you with an aftercare kit, including distilled water wipes and a barrier cream 
  • Gently wipe your eyebrow tattoo with the provided distilled water wipes every 2-3 hours after your appointment to prevent fluid from building up onto the tattooed area. Allow the brows to air dry 
  • For a naturally dense brow, please ensure the skin beneath the hair is entirely dry before applying your barrier cream. Once the skin is dry, apply a very thin coat of the barrier cream to the area
  • Do not excessively apply the ointment as over-hydration of the skin may cause problems with the pigment retention. The amount applied should not exceed the size of a grain of rice
  • Repeat these steps up until bedtime 

Days 2-14

  • Each morning and night, gently pat your brows with the distilled water wipes
  • Air dry and apply a very thin layer of your barrier cream to the area. Throughout the day, continue to apply cream whenever you feel the existing cream has been absorbed or if your brows are feeling tight
  • Once you have used the entire set of distilled water wipes, you will no longer need to wipe your brows. You will, however, continue to coat the brows with the barrier cream for the full 7-14 days post-procedure
  • Do not excessively apply the ointment, as instructed above

After Healing

  • Eyebrow tattoos normally last 1-2.5 years depending on lifestyle, skin type and aftercare. Yearly touch-ups with Her Velvet Hand are recommended to maintain your results, however we encourage the tattoo to be 35-45 percent faded before a touchup to ensure skin integrity
  • Do not laser your brow area (IPL). Some lasers may change the color of the ink
  • Additional eyebrow makeup application may still be required post tattoo to achieve your desired look

Henna Brow Sculpting

After your Treatment

  • Your brows will immediately appear darker as the henna stain is beginning the oxidation process. The stain will increase in intensity over the next 12 hours
  • It is encouraged to avoid applying water to the treated area for 12-24 hours as this will disrupt the oxidation process and will result in premature fading
  • Avoid sweating for 24 hours post-treatment
  • Avoid sun exposure for 24 hours as this will result in fading

Brow Lamination

After Your Treatment

  • Before leaving your session, a setting gel will be applied to your brows to hold the hairs in place. It is very important to avoid getting your brows wet for 24-48 hours post-treatment to ensure long lasting results 
  • Avoid touching your brows for 24-48 hours
  • Avoid brow makeup for 24-48 hours post-procedure 
  • Do not apply Retin-A, AHA or exfoliate the brow area for 72 hours after your procedure
  • Avoid heavy sweating for 24-48 hours post-treatment
  • Do not use self tanner products on the face for at least 48 hours post-treatment
  • Once you are able to get your eyebrows wet 24-48 hours post-treatment, with the provided mascara wands in your aftercare kit, brush through your brows when they are wet to set them daily.
  • Condition your brows with hair conditioner 2-3 times a week to help keep your brow hairs from drying out over time.

Lash Lift & Tint

After Your Treatment

  • Before leaving your session, a clear aftercare gel will be applied to your lashes to obtain optimal lash lift results and lash health. This is also available for purchase at the studio.
  • For optimum results avoid direct heat, steam, mascara, and other skin care products around your eye area for 24-48 hours after the application. The clear aftercare gel is the only recommended lash product recommended to use immediately after treatment.
  • Avoid heavy sweating for 24-48 hours post-treatment
  • Avoid sleeping directly on the lashes during the first 24-48 hours as this may shift the direction of your lashes.

Other Procedures

Lash Extensions

Our studio is dedicated to enhancing your natural beauty with our expert lash extension services, specializing in a range of styles from classic and hybrid to volume, wet, and foxy. We pride ourselves on creating bespoke, fully customizable looks tailored to each client's unique features and preferences. Our natural aesthetic approach ensures that every set of lashes enhances your eyes without compromising on comfort or quality, giving you a personalized experience that blends luxury with subtle elegance.


Classic eyelash extensions offer a subtle, refined enhancement by attaching a single extension to each natural lash, creating a timeless and sophisticated look ideal for everyday wear.


Wet eyelash extensions create a chic, sleek look resembling wet lashes, using narrow, closed volume fans for a defined, glossy, and subtly clumped effect that's perfect for a minimalist, elegant style.


Hybrid eyelash extensions combine classic and volume techniques, blending single lashes with lash fans for a versatile, fuller look that balances natural elegance with added texture and dimension.


Foxy eyelash extensions create a bold, elongated cat-eye effect with longer lashes at the outer corners, adding drama and sophistication to your natural eye shape.


Volume eyelash extensions offer a bold, lush look by applying multiple lightweight lashes to each natural lash, creating customizable fans that add dramatic volume and depth for a glamorous finish.


Our eyelash extension removal service safely and gently removes extensions using professional-grade products, preserving the health of your natural lashes for a pain-free and rejuvenating experience.


Our emergency eyelash extension removal service offers prompt, professional assistance for urgent situations, using gentle products to quickly and safely remove extensions while prioritizing your comfort and the health of your natural lashes.


  • Don’t get them wet, sweat, or steam for the next 24-48hrs 
  • After 48hrs wash your lashes with the lash soap every night to remove makeup buildup. Blow dry them with cool air while using your lash spoolie to fluff them back out.
  • Try not to sleep on your face or they will get all over the place 
  • NO mascara or false lashes on the extensions! 
  • NO pulling on your extensions or your natural lashes will go with it
  • Brush your lashes daily to put them in their place


  • Patch test can be done the day of your appointment before we start, I will patch test the adhesive on the inside of your arm for 10 min. During the patch test if you don’t feel irritation/itchiness then we will proceed. Everyone is different and some get a reaction 24-48 hrs later. If you are worried we can do a patch test 2 days before that can sit on the arm until the actual appt day.
  • If you do get a reaction it is normal if eyes get slightly red, you can use eyedrops to relieve the dry/red feeling, it goes away in a couple days. If your eyes get puffy that is a sign of a reaction as well. I’ve had a client take over the counter allergy meds and use cortisone cream or a cold towel compress and go away in a couple days. But if the eyes feel painful then we can do an emergency removal.



Lip Blush

What to Expect

The area will feel a bit sore and will look quite intense. There may be some swelling and minor bruising that only lasts for 1-2 days. Arnica tablets will be useful to help aid in reducing the swelling, and an ice pack will be given to you immediately following your procedure. 

Fluids will leak from the tattoo to form scabs. You do not want these fluids to sit on your tattoo and form scabs. You will want to wipe your tattoo every hour with the distilled water wipes provided in your aftercare kit and pat the area dry to ensure no fluids sit and form scabs. When you wipe, you will see the color coming off onto the damp wipe. This is normal. You may ice the skin if it is feeling tender or swollen after the procedure. After each hour you wipe, reapply the ointment given. 

Healing Process 

  • Day 1: Your lips will be swollen and vibrant immediately post-procedure. Arnica tablets will be useful to help aid in reducing the swelling
  • Day 2: Your swelling will go down and lips will go darker as the scabs begin to form
  • Days 3-4: Your lips will start and continue to peel
  • Day 5: All peeling should be complete

Caring for your New Tattoo

Until after Day 5, do not touch your tattoo with dirty fingers. Remember it is an open and healing wound, and an infection could possibly ruin the tattoo. 

Don’t get your tattoo too wet for too long. It will make the scabs soggy and easier to fall off prematurely. Remember, you want to keep the scabs on for as long as you can and let them fall off naturally. 

Moisturize as often as possible with the recommended or provided ointment. 

Avoid the following during the healing process:

  • Avoid sleeping on your lips to prevent lifting the scabs prematurely. It is always best to sleep on a clean pillowcase to avoid infection
  • Avoid the use of harsh cleansers, exfoliants, creams, makeup or any other products on the treated area until all of the scabs have fallen off naturally. These products can jeopardize the healing of your lip tattoo
  • Do not pick, scratch or bite off the scabs. Picking at the area can cause premature fading, scarring or an infection to the area
  • Always protect your tattoo from UV rays or tanning beds for four weeks after the procedure. These can dramatically alter the result of your tattoo. Once your lips have healed, it is highly recommended to use a lip balm containing SPF for extra protection 
  • Avoid sweating on the tattoo until all of the scabs have naturally fallen off. Sweat will dilute the pigment of your tattoo. If you sweat on the tattoo, wipe immediately 
  • Do not get any facials, lip injections, botox, or advanced skin treatments such as microneedling or microdermabrasion for four weeks post-procedure
  • Avoid spicy foods or anything with citrus. Be careful to not rub the scabs off while eating and try to drink through a straw

After the scabbing phase: 

Once your lips have completed the scabbing phase and they have completely fallen off, you may return back to your normal routine such as applying makeup over the area. Please note that after the scabs have fallen off, your tattoo may have a milky or grey hue to it. This just means that the epidermal layer of your skin is healed, but the deeper layers still need time to heal. Your tattoo will also be softer and not as crisp once healed. The complete healing process takes six weeks, and then the true and final color of your lip tattoo will surface. It is only after six weeks that a touchup can be performed so as to not injure the lips and affect the end result. 

Please note that results will vary with each individual and are extremely dependent on your skin and how you care for your tattoo during healing. It may take more than one session to achieve your desired result. 

Once your tattoo is fully healed:

We strongly recommend that you avoid using the following on your tattoo: Benzoyl Peroxide, Hydrogen Peroxide, Glycolic Acid, Apple Cider Vinegar, Vitamin E and C, and Retinol. These products can prematurely lighten or fade your tattoo. We also recommend using an SPF lip balm as the UV rays will deteriorate the pigment and lighten or fade the tattoo faster as well. Saltwater and chlorine can also deteriorate the pigment faster so rinse with water after contact. 

If you are having any laser or facial beauty treatments, it is extremely important that you inform your provider before procedures that you have a permanent makeup tattoo.

This treatment does fade after 1-3 years depending on your skin and lifestyle. Touch-ups are necessary to maintain the longevity and overall beauty of your tattoo. If you have oily skin, an iron deficiency or a very strong immune system, your pigment will not have the same retention as others.

Botched Ink® Saline Tattoo Lightening

What to Expect

Any redness surrounding the treated area subsides within an hour or two Redness within the treated area becomes brown as the skin dries out The treated area must be allowed to fully dry out over the next 48 hours For most people the area is touch dry within the first few hours

The Healing Process

  • Only touch with very clean hands, ideally no touching for 48 hours
  • If the skin is not allowed to dry out quickly you will not get the best results
  • Saline wound care wipes can be used to gently remove excess oil i.e. for scalp tattoo
  • Do not use any other aftercare products during this initial drying out phase
  • Do not the area wet or sweaty for 48 hours
  • For lip liner treatments, during this phase keep movements small and to a minimum

After 48 hours:

  • The treated area is now very dry, and a light scab will have formed
  • You may see pigment visible in the scab
  • ONE SINGLE APPLICATION of Cavilon barrier cream on and slightly around the scab
  • This single application will last for 3 to 4 days, leaving a soft film over the scab
  • You can get the area a little wet when washing and showering, avoid rubbing the area After any wetness, gently hold a clean tissue on the scab to dry it out
  • No excessive wetting the area, no swimming etc while the scab is on
  • Depending on the area treated, the scab will remain firmly attached for 5 to 14 days Excessive movements are likely to crack the scab, which is not ideal for easy healing
  • Do not attempt to remove the scab before it naturally heals away from the treated area For eyebrows, the scab might be held in eyebrow hair until gently removed
  • At no time can you pick off attached scabs, you will cause unwanted results

Skin prone to hyperpigmentation:

For those prone to hyperpigmentation, follow ‘First 48 hours’ advice. After 48 hours the scab and surrounding skin must NOT be allowed to dry out or hyperpigmentation can occur. Re-apply Cavilon cream every 2 or 3 days until skin until skin returns to a normal colour

After the scab heals off:

  • The pigment may look visibly lighter or different for the first 1-8 weeks
  • These are not considered results, it’s your skin healing and the remaining pigment settling Can begin using makeup on the area if desired
  • Treat the area gently, no exfoliating or excessive sun exposure
  • The second treatment can be carried out after 8 weeks
  • Treatment cycle is 8 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks and repeated as required
  • We leave a longer time if the skin has not returned to a normal colour

The Removal Process:

  • Removing, improving or lightening pigment is a process which may take several sessions
  • Mature or saturated tattoos may initially respond slowly
  • After 3 treatments we’ll have a better idea how easily the pigment is removing
  • Pigment may look darker before it gets lighter, especially if was implanted deeply
  • Pigment that’s closer to the surface removes easier
  • Brown pigment is made up of black, white, yellow, red and green
  • Black pigment usually removes first, making other colours more visible
  • Grey brows may look browner, or warmer colours may begin to show

Tattoo removal is a process with many variables, therefore how much pigment is removed during each visit, or how many visits are needed, cannot be known or guaranteed

Failure to follow these aftercare instructions may reduce the effect of the treatment and may result in undesired problems such as hyperpigmentation, scarring or infection. In the unlikely event of an infection, your technician cannot give medical advice, so immediately seek attention from a GP Doctor or pharmacist